A new score screen and improved XP

Hail Wanderer,

Patch 1.10.03 has been pushed to the stores and should be available soon! In this patch we took a look at the scorescreen and significantly increased the points awarded per boss killed for the difficulties above normal. This resulted in a 25% increase for bosses defeated on the Challenging difficulty, doubling the score per kill awarded on the Hard difficulty and increasing the Impossible score per boss killed by 50%.

We also changed the way the game rates a deck’s performance at the end of a run. The new score tracks how well your deck performs on 5 key metrics. Each of these scoring metrics has 9 ranks, each rank awarding more points than the previous one. Runs are currently being scored on:

Damage: Your highest damage in a single hit
Versatility: the number of different cards in your deck
Wealth: The sum of your gold and deck value
Awareness: the amount of damage you took*
Lethality: The average number of rounds you spent in combat*

*Awareness and Lethality are only awarded on a Victorious run.

We’ve also updated the Score screen to be much clearer about what contributes to SCORE (bosses, performance, malignancies) and what contributes to progression XP (bounties, daily x2, Spine damage).

This is just the first step in overhauling our progression system entirely, so more changes will follow over the course of next month!

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