The Dusk of 2023 and the dawn of 2024

Hail Wanderer,

As the radiant sun sets on 2023, we look back with immense gratitude and excitement at the journey we’ve shared this past year. This year was huge for Dawncaster.

We launched two new card expansions, adding north of 400 new cards to the game. 2023 saw the dawn of a new content expansion, with our fourth being set to launch in early 2024.

The Sunforge opened its daunting portal, offering an alternative game mode that tests your skills in entirely new ways. We also reworked the progression system to make your journey through Dawncaster more rewarding and dynamic.

In addition, the community run events of the Weekly Challenges turned into a fully fledged feature, with over 2000 players participating over the course of 2023! More on this in our Discord Weekly Challenge Wrap-up!

None of this would have been possible without you, the Dawncaster Community. Your bug reports helped us improve, your support gave us the fuel we need to keep developing the game, your suggestions helped us prioritise the right adjustments and and your creative card designs inspired us.

So thank you all for being an integral part of our journey. Here’s to another year of epic battles, strategic plays, and ruthless defeats in the world of Aethos!

All the best for 2024,
– Wanderlost and the Dawncaster moderator & contributor team

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