Welcome to Trial of the Sunforge!

Hail Wanderer! Welcome to patch 1.7.03, our third update with fixes and balance changes for our brand new game-mode: The Trial of the Sunforge.

How to play Trial of the Sunforge
We’ve been getting some questions on how to start a run in our draft-mode ‘The Trial of Sunforge’. To enter the Sunforge, start a new game from the main menu, and scroll all the way to the right in the class selection menu. Entering the Sunforge requires 5 Fateshards, which can be viewed by opening the settings menu anywhere.

General updates
– Blightbane.io now tracks various data, like most cards played, what bosses end runs etc!
– New ingame newsfeature (You are looking at it) 🙂

Balance changes
In patch 1.7.03 we continue to look at improvements we can make based on your feedback.
– The Kraken now removes its Barrier when it emerges.
– Daisy no longer inflicts Slow on hit.
– Various changes to the way Status Effects are cleansed, more on this below.

– Random Afflictions are now applied to the correct target once again
– Fixed an interaction with Spell Echo causing a softlock
– iOS leaderboard dates should now be shown correctly
– Grit and Warpriest no longer trigger out of combat in the Sunforge
– The Graverobber has its ability description updated
– Enemies loaded on iPad after defeating Dante should no longer have their offset adjusted
– Metabolic Weapon’s cooldown now resets correctly when defeating the opponent on their turn
– In the Sunforge, after finishing the credits, you should be returned to the homescreen.

Status effects
Since launch, the number of status effects in the game has tripled. This made it quite clear what the value of a Cleanse or dispel would be. Over time, the range of status effects increased, and in this new state it makes less sense to have a single card be the answer to each type of status effect. Especially not given how INT traditionally had a much easier time dealing with these effects than any other color, and would more easily counter bosses that leaned heavily on these status effects.

That is why we’ll be making some changes to how status effects (Blessings and Afflictions) are interacted with. Different classes will gain access to more specific answers to various status effects, while blanket status removal (Dispel or Cleanse) will get more limited and exclusive. This makes picking cards that prevent specific status effects a more strategic addition to your deck, and strengthens the identity for each of the classes. For now, this means several cards have been redesigned to fit that vision:
– Dispel
– Frost Block (redesign Cryoshield)
– Fiery Incantation
– Bunker Down
– New card: Break Bounds
– New talent: Mageslayer

That is all for this update! As always, we’d appreciate a review if you’ve not rated us yet ^^

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