Sunforge Gameplay Update

Hail Wanderer,

Today we’re releasing the Sunforge Gameplay Update, patch 1.13.03! This update includes several improvements to the Sunforge that help you customize each run, add dangerous malignancies, allow the disabling/enabling of specific cardsets and other options that affect the way you draft your deck.

In addition, we’ve also added a brand new Sunforge Reward track in the REWARDS section of the game! Here you can unlock additional reroll tokens, extra health for Sunforge characters, and 6 Prestigious animated portraits that can be used within the Sunforge and regular runs!

Other changes and updates in this patch include the reintroduction of cards like Stormshell and Damnation, and the redesign of cards like Stormblade, Khanjali, Karma Strike and more.

Last but not least, this patch introduces various improvements to the screenreader feature. As always, we rely on feedback from the screenreader community to point out if these improvements hit the mark, or can be improved or changed in other ways.

That is it for this patch as we move on towards next months release of our next expansion! Spoilers for those cards will be announced on our Reddit and Discord as well.

For a full list of patch details please visit our discord via the link below, and if you enjoy this update, be sure to leave us a rating in the App store of your choice, it really helps us reach more players and keep the game going! 🙂

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