Get ready for the Eclypse

Hail Wanderer,

Tomorrow (08/15) is patch-day! We’ll be rolling out patch 1.14.00, which includes our largest free card expansion to date! Eclypse contains over 200 new cards, 7 brand new archetypes, a new reward track, and much more.

If you’re curious about what’s coming, be sure to check out our Discord for the first spoilers, revealing 24 new cards and new keywords/mechanics you can expect in Dawncaster.

Alongside the new cards, Eclypse also contains a balance update, addressing some of the cards that had fallen behind, and some that have outlived their time in the spotlight (looking at you Vigorating Strike). This might interfere with an active run, so if you’d like to finish a run, it’s advised to do so before updating.

And on a final note, for a small team like ours it is impossible to test every interaction between all cards and talents in the game right on release. Our team and amazing volunteers covered a lot of ground, but if you do find a bug in the new patch, please report these on our Discord and we’ll include a fix in the post-update patch.

Once again, thank you for playing and being part of the community, and we’ll have a lot more to say on Eclypse and its content tomorrow!

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