Patchnotes for 1.14.06

Hail Wanderer,
We’ve just updated the game to patch 1.14.06!

Localization in Dawncaster
This patch looks modest on the surface, addressing a handful of bugs (see below). However, behind the screens, we’ve been updating the game to prepare it for localization! Initially, the game will be available in German (de), Spanish (es) and Portugese (pt). We’ll be looking at other languages soon after if we manage to introduce these locales successfully.

Missing charactersets
To our Japanese and Korean players – the game might pick up your system language setting and try to apply it in game. As these characters have not been implemented yet, this leads to text disappearing in various places. We will patch this in the next update early this week.

– Cards and effects triggered by the enemy playing cards should now trigger correctly again (Rally, various Snare based cards, Sleeping Poison etc.)
– Malignancy ‘Basic Chaos’ should no longer trigger the ‘Add Card to Deck’ effects, like Duplicity and Strength in Numbers
– Focus should now correctly provide 1 additional card for every 6 Focus.
– Prevented a bug that caused Echo and Figmented to trigger on the draw effects of cards
– Various Immune effects now trigger BEFORE taking from Barrier or Armor.
– Updated various tooltips

We’ll be adding a second patch early this week, updating any bugs or missing interactions with the new localization in place. Meanwhile we will continue to prepare all the translations with the help of our amazing community. Thank you all for playing and your support!

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